Some grub for Fuji X (and Lightroom) users - Color

Pete Dareth Evans published a very interesting article "Film & Vision - Making Fuji-X Simulations Work For You" on his website. He details different settings for the Fujifilm X Camera profiles: Chrome Eggleston, Provia Sternfeld, Acros Ellen Mark, Acros Moriyama, Acros Winogrand, Pro Neg LaRoque, Velvia Bulmer.

For each profile, Pete gives the details of the settings he proposes. While it is always possible to discuss the similarity between what these settings produce and the type of rendering sought by the eminent photographers from whom it was inspired, it is nevertheless true that the proposed settings are very interesting.

For example, the following image is from a JPEG made using the "Chrome Eggleston" setting.

Paris, Les Olympiades

Before going into details, it can be noted that the camera in "Dynamic Range Auto" mode has done a good job in maintaining the dynamics, the exposure correction of -1/3 EV probably helping very little.

If you are not familiar with Fujifilm camera, the "Dynamic Range" mode exposes to the left to preserve the highlights by playing the ISO setting.

Moreover, the post-processing work under Adobe Lightroom is reduced to its simplest expression. The global settings can be applied by a preset to the import and are very standard except maybe for the amount of sharpening,  but we start from a JPEG file voluntarily weakly sharpened.

Now,  below  are the details:

Avant d'entrer dans les détails, on peut noter que lle boitier en mode "Dynamic Range Auto" a fait du bon travail en maintenant la dynamique, la correction d'exposition de -1/3 EV aidant probablement très peu.

Si vous n'êtes pas familier avec les boitiers Fujifilm, le mode "Plage dynamique" s'expose à gauche pour préserver les hautes lumières en jouant le réglage ISO.

De plus, le travail de post-traitement sous Adobe Lightroom a été réduit à sa plus simple expression. Les réglages globaux peuvent être appliqués par un preset à l'import et sont très standard sauf peut-être pour la quantité de netteté, mais on part d'un fichier JPEG volontairement faiblement affiné.

Maintenant, voici les détails:

  • 1/1400" (Electro Shutter)
  • f/9 
  • EV -1/3 
  • ISO 500 (Auto ISO + DR)
- Profile (from Pete Dareth Evans)

  • WB: auto
  • color: -2
  • DR: Auto 
  • highlights: +2
  • shadows: +2
  • sharpness: -1
  • noise reduction: -3


- Basics:
  • clarity: +10
- Sharpenning:
  • amount: 50
  • radius: 1.0
  • details: 25
  • mask: 63
- Vignette:
  • highlight priority
  • amount: -7

+ local brush (shadows +45) on the face of the kid for a natural rendering

Published Nov 12, 2017

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